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Fullwidth Banner (left-right)


This content type will display content as an image with text next to it across the full width of the page. It is similar to the Fifty-Fifty content type except that it allows for the addition of colour to the text box. It includes an intro text, title, sub-title, description, button and image. Ideally suited to a wider page layout eg. Landing Page 1.


Research Areas

Our quantum technology activities span theoretical and experimental quantum science and engineering, covering secure communications, enhanced quantum-inspired imaging, novel nano and quantum-based sensors & devices, quantum computing for solving problems across disciplines and the exciting emerging applications in health.


WitsQ aims to develop the human capital needed for our quantum future, training a quantum workforce. Undergraduate training spans science and engineering faculties with a focus on quantum physics and quantum computing. Postgraduate training covers all branches of quantum technology and is mostly research-based.

How to use it
  • In your section, select create content from the actions menu beside the section you wish to add content to. In the content types, search for “full”.

  • Select the content type called Fullwidth Banner (left-right) and click on Next. The following window will open up.

  • Give this piece of content a unique Name.
  • Intro text is an optional field 
  • Title will be the main title for this piece of content. This will appear in larger text. This field is compulsory.
  • Sub-title is an optional field
  • Button Text will appear in a button below the description. Try not to make this too long. (Optional). If you are adding a button and linking to a section or content, the button text will take on the name of the section/content link. If you are adding an external link, you can customise the button text for this link.
  • Email is an optional field. You can use this field if you are profiling someone in the department or as an enquiry email.
  • Select the image for this feature box by using the Select Media button. If a window pops up listing variants, always select the first image which is the Original. Do NOT choose any other variant. In fact, the rule is that whenever you are asked to select an image with the button always choose the Original variant.
  • Background Color allows you to choose between a drop-down set of specified colours. This changes the background where the text appears.
  • Image Position allows you to select whether you want the image to appear on the left or right of the text.
  • You are able to add some space at the bottom of this content type by ticking the option "Add padding at the bottom?"
  • Click on Save Changes and preview your page to see what you have created.

N.B. This content type works best with a good quality image.
