
Teaching and Learning at Wits Wits is committed to providing high-quality, internationally competitive education, founded on high academic standards, cutting-edge research, public engagement and productive partnerships.
Teaching and Learning at Wits Wits is committed to providing high-quality, internationally competitive education, founded on high academic standards, cutting-edge research, public engagement and productive partnerships.
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Fostering graduates to be leaders with integrity

The 21stcentury is a time of rapid change. New information is being generated on an unprecedented scale and at an astounding rate. The world of work is changing rapidly. The days when a school leaver could expect to do the same job for life are gone. Today’s graduates will have many careers – not just many jobs, but many careers – in their lifetime.

They will also need to have a variety of skills and attributes they can carry with them as they move from one job and one career to the next. These include: critical and creative thinking, the ability to work collaboratively with other people, and, above all, the ability to be a life-long learner.

At Wits we stimulate debate and cultivate open-mindedness, critical thinking, creativity, ethics and a strong sense of social responsibility through a variety of teaching activities designed to promote meaningful student learning. Click on the boxes below to find information or get support.