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What we do

Transnet Matlafat?o Centre(TMC) at Wits University is a “walk-in” innovation and research centre to promote high value Enterprise Development that looks to stimulate the creation of new innovation driven businesses and support the expansion and growth of existing companies in accordance with the Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) policies as amended.

The Centre’s aim is to stimulate entry and participation of black entrepreneurs (towards the creation of Black industrialists) into innovative sectors through skills transfer and access to research and development facilities by:

  • using innovation and research to enable enterprise development;
  • facilitating and supporting Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) business activity within the space; and
  • focusing on the development and commercialisation of social, business and technological innovations that can address market opportunities at, but not limited to, Transnet.

Why focus on Innovation?

Don't imitate, be innovative. Compete through higher added value e.g. new business model, high performance, customisation etc.
