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Kudu Card Forms

For the APPLICATION or RENEWAL of a Kudu Cards

Individuals wanting to use the library can apply for a library card. All applications for a Library Card must be done at the Wartenweiler Library, 2nd floor, (East Campus, below Central Block).

Application / Renewal of a Visitor Card
This form is available to individuals visiting the University premises for a short period of time.  It is also used to renew Visitor Cards. Renewals are done on a yearly basis and must be completed and signed off by the Head of the Department. Access here.

Non HR Related 
Kudu Card users must apply for temporary or long-term parking rights on campus depending on the duration of employment. Access here.

Contractors to the University
Contractors that spend a lot of time on campus also need to apply for access and parking on campus. The users should be advised by the contract manager responsible for the service they provide. Contractors contracted through ICT, Security and TSS can complete the attached form. Access here.

PIMD and Services 
Contractors contracted by PIMD and Services need to contact for more information.

??University Vehicles
Individuals updating university vehicles can complete the application or renewal of vehicle user form .

If a student loses a card, a Card Declaration form must be completed before a new card can be issued.

Alumni and Wits Club Members
Members of the University Alumni need to make an application to the Alumni Affairs office (011 717 1095\6) in order to be issued with a Kudu Card. 
